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Small and Home Based Business Discussion List
Online marketing, small and home based businesses, small retail shops. If it has to do with improving and growing your small business, this is the place to discuss it.

Small Business Discussion List
Welcome to Biz!

Biz is pretty much a place where small business owners can discuss whatever is important to us. The list is moderated, so the noise level is very low. No flames, no gossip, and no discussions of what is the right shade of lipstick to wear for business vs personal settings.

The idea is to help each other with ideas and techniques to help make our businesses more efficient, more profitable, and more enjoyable.

Note that when we say "small business", we are not referring to revenues. Just the number of people involved. Anything from a teenager with a lawn mowing business to a multi-million dollar a year self publisher qualifies.

Like all lists, Biz has slow periods where there is not much posting. Be aware that this group can generate a LOT of traffic at times. We have a larger than usual component of members that work from home or a small office, and use the net extensively for business.

If you are pressed for time, or simply don't like lots of separate emails, subscribe to the digest version. (It's also nice for keeping archives for when you want to find that great idea two months from now.)

I recommend that you set up a separate folder for posts to the list, and filter anything that has the expression [Biz] in the Subject field into that folder. ([Biz Digest] for the digest version of the list.) This will help you to keep things organised.

There is no charge for participation in this list. But it ain't exactly free, either. The list is financed through a concept called thriftware. For an explanation, send any email to

General Guidelines for Biz

While we do have a sense of humor, as a rule, it should be noted that this is a working list. If you are inexperienced with lists, it's a good idea to read along for a while prior to posting.

Occasional straying from the topic may be allowed for the creativity it can encourage. The majority of posts should stay focused on the topic at hand: business.

This is a moderated list, which means that all posts sent to the list are first approved by the listowner. If you have a question concerning why a post was (or was not) approved for distribution, please address it to the moderator.

While I will generally pass posts without change, I reserve the right to edit submissions for excess quoting, off-topic material, and signature length. Posting to the list implies permission for such editing as the moderator feels is appropriate. (I don't abuse it, but the notice needs to be there. My lawyer made me do it! Pesky critters ...)

Signature files should not be over 6 lines in length. If a post includes a signature longer than that, it will be cut at the 7th line. Blank lines count. The name and email address of the poster do not, provided they are not integrated into the signature.

Postings to this list should never be considered as legal, medical, or other professional advice. Participation in the list is considered explicit recognition and acceptance of this condition.

You should be aware that there are many people online who are genuinely expert in their fields, and who contribute their expertise in forums like this one. There are many others who lay claim to expertise which they do not possess. You are responsible for the use you make of any information you get from the list discussions.

I do not have the ability or the time to screen every post and poster for accuracy and credentials. I don't even screen them for agreement with my business views.

In other words, if you swallow some BS, it's your tummy ache. Camelot emptor. (A little legal humor ...)

Please be sure to read any and all messages in which the subject line starts with [ADMIN]. These are from the moderator, and pertain to the regular operation of the list, including changes in policy and procedures. Or they might just be *Really Funny Jokes*. The moderator does not claim to be an "expert". In anything. At all. Please remember this. I'm here to learn also. :)

Manners are required. Critique an idea all you want. (Sending personal flames to the list won't work, as they don't get posted anyway.)

For more information, please read the FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) and "A Brief History of the List".

To subscribe, choose the version you'd like to receive, enter your email address here and click below.

Regular Digest

(Our subscriber list is kept 100% confidential.)

Bulletin Board

Frequently Asked Questions

A Brief History


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