Tired of being stuck for answers? Want to change things up? Find a new direction? Or just a better way to do what you've been doing? From: Paul Myers Publisher, TalkBiz News Welcome! Have you ever known someone who could come up with brilliant ideas, one right after another? Or who could cut through the clutter and come up with practical solutions to difficult problems immediately - when no-one else could? You can be that person, if you're not already. And you can super-charge it if you are. First, let's get something out of the way... There's an old myth that creativity is a gift that only some people have. That's not true. Spontaneous creativity is the natural state of all human beings. If you think of yourself as not-so-creative, you may believe that the super-creative have something you lack. They don't. The truth is, you have something they lack. You have learned limitations. I'm going to show you how to lose those false limiting beliefs and blockages, brush the enemies of your natural creativity aside, and become the person everyone you know turns to for brilliant, practical, life-changing ideas. And... There's Nothing "Mystical" About It What I won't do is ask you to believe that you can change the rules of the Universe just by thinking shiny, happy thoughts. I won't ask you to spend time you may not have (or want to spend) on positive thinking or New Age meditations. I'm not even going to say whether I believe those things work. The fact is, they're not necessary for what this system is intended to do. You can unleash the natural creative power that every human being has by following some simple, well laid-out steps and doing a little serious thinking. The system starts with a 120-page book, called "The Idea Spot." Most books on creativity give you at least some of the underlying theory. They take hundreds of pages to do it, and often don't show you how to apply it in real life situations. Almost none of them equip you to start getting results right now. I give you the theory, wrapped in practical applications, and with perspectives you won't often see elsewhere, in less than 60 pages. The second part of the book is where the rubber really meets the road. In that section, I give you 37 specific exercises, many with additional exercises within the sections. These exercises are designed to do two things. The first goal of each is to help you get immediate answers and ideas for problems or opportunities that you face right now. They are all designed to help you open up the blockages and build mental muscle so that you can access your full creative powers any time you like. I had a choice in the format. I could have taken 400 pages (a balanced estimate) to explain everything in minute detail, and bore the hell out of most people in the process. Or, I could pack the ideas in as tightly as possible, and rely on you to read and re-read the book and do the exercises. Since more people are likely to get more out of it the second way, that was the choice. Apparently, it was the right one. Within the first 24 hours after I made the system available to the public, I started getting testimonials like this: Paul, Let me tell you about this morning. Lately I have been seriously stuck. It's like there are so many opportunities that I keep getting sidetracked to the point where I think I have terminal Attention Deficit Disorder. Anyway this morning I read the ebook about 30 minutes, then did the morning audio for about 20 minutes. I sat down to work and I had a very good session. The best work I've done in a long time. I was thinking clearly with focus, confidence and purpose. I think it was the consciousness shift brought about by the the combination of the eBook and the brain entraining audio. I'll tell you this much: for the forseeable future I have a new work-prep regimen. 30 minutes in the eBook then 20 minute so of brain wave stuff then I sit down to do my work. Paul, I really think I broke through some serious barriers this morning thanks to your Idea Spot product. I truly think The Idea Spot might be your masterpiece. And with your track record for creating powerful, helpful information products I realize that calling Idea Spot your greatest product yet is saying a whole lot. Warm regards, Martin O'Brien Don't Blink, or You'll Miss It! That said, you're going to want to re-read the book more than once. The concepts are layered into the text in such a way that you'll pick up the most important and personally useful ones the first time through. As you do the exercises and gain a deeper understanding, the more advanced concepts will become clearer and more obvious with each successive reading. Don't worry. It's a fast read. ;) Getting Started: Understanding What's Holding You Back The first half of the book covers the basics. Believe it or not, even many people who study creativity will think of some of this as advanced material. It's easy to understand, but it's not usually covered in other books on the subject. When I say "basics," I mean the foundations of creativity, and more importantly, the things that fight it or block it. The enemies of creativity. In the first section, less than 60 pages, I've packed a ton of stuff that will push you on to finding and relasing your creative genius. Much of it is wrapped in what look like everyday concerns.
Get Real Results, Right Now The second half of the book is the exercises. This is where you sit down and start getting results. In this section of the book you'll find some really astounding things.
Most of the exercises are focused on producing immediate answers, ideas and results. That said, they are designed to increase your overall creative ability in the process, in a steady way that leads to constant access to your existing creative genius. I'm a firm believer in the "earn while you learn" concept. The exercises are designed to give you an immediate payoff. And make no mistake... This book is not just for businesspeople or self-improvement enthusiasts. They'll get a lot out of it, to be sure. But it can be used by anyone, at any point in their lives, to solve problems, come up with killer ideas that can make a difference, and boost your creativity through the roof. The Creative Symphony One of the more controversial aspects of developing one's mind is the use of binaural audio to restructure the way your brain is wired. I'm not going to get into the technical aspects of the process. It's quite complicated and utterly unimportant to the effect the audios have. I'm going to let you see for yourself the difference they can make for you personally. I'm going to include three audio recordings that you can use in your own home. I need to warn you, first: These audios have a very real and very profound effect, but not everyone can use them! You
must not use these audio segments if you wear a pacemaker, or if you
have any condition that causes or can cause seizures. If you have a
history of stroke, seizures, sleep apnea or heart problems, consult
your doctor before using these files. Women should not use them while
pregnant. You should also not use them while driving a motor vehicle, operating any sort of power equipment, or in any other circumstance in which a shift of attention could result in danger or injury. For best results, I recommend listening to them through stereo headphones, while sitting back in a comfortable chair with your eyes closed. There is one file each for morning and evening listening. The morning audio is designed to help you achieve a relaxed, wide-awake and more creative state. The evening audio helps to balance your mind, clear your thinking and physically relax you. It's not uncommon to fall asleep while listening to it, so be prepared for that. The third audio file is designed to help you fight possibly the most dangerous enemy of creativity: Stress. Note: These are not delivered physically. They are downloadable files, in MP3 format, so you can get started immediately. These audios can be burned to CD for use in your stereo, or played through your computer, MP3 player, or phone. You do not have to listen to the complete audio at each setting to get results. If you only have 10 or 15 minutes to spare at each time, that's fine. If you skip a day, that's fine. It's best if you use them regularly, and listen all the way through at least once a week, but it's not critical. Remember, you're looking for progress, not magic. As long as you keep moving forward, you'll get where you want to be. There's nothing wrong with getting there slowly if that's what you want. So, What's The Deal? An Arm? A Leg? This sold for years at $67, and got rave reviews. I want to test something. (That's a big part of finding the best way forward, right?) For the moment, you can get the complete system for just $27. In return, I ask two things of you. They're not required, but I'd consider it a personal favor. Use the thing. Read the book, do some of the exercises. Then send me your comments on how it's worked out for you. I believe you'll find this one of the most useful, profitable, and just plain fun products you've ever ordered. Get creative. Get started. Get your copy today, for just $27! ![]()
One final note. When you order today, you get my "60 page, 60 day"
guarantee. Read the first 60 pages of the manual. If you don't feel
that using what you've just read will help you in ways that are worth a
lot more than your $27 investment, let me know and I'll refund that
investment immediately. Or, if you want more proof, use the information
and see it in action. If at any time in the first 60 days you don't
feel this is one of the best investments you've made this year, the
same option applies. Let me know and you'll get a full refund, no
questions and no hassles. Enjoy! Paul Myers - TalkBiz News 651 E 24th St, Erie, PA 16503 (814) 245-1555 paul@talkbiz.com Terms of Service | Privacy Policy | Earnings Disclaimer | Help Desk